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The parish is committed to support charities and agencies engaged in social action locally and throughout UK and in wider mission around the world. We aim to encourage parishioners to engage more deeply with our partners, through informed prayer, and, where achievable, through active involvement.

We have champions for each charity, who liaise to bring regular news and to arrange visits by charity representatives. We have a Mission of the Month calendar to assist our champions to arrange these visits and also events such as conferences. 




Mission of the Month Calendar 2025
January Bible Society
February Open Doors
March Children's Society
April Church Mission Society
May Christian Aid
June A Rocha
July MAF/Mercy Ships
August Youth Fellowship
September Care for the Family
October Charles Thompson Mission & Wirral Ark
November Besom
December Tearfund

Care for the Family

Recent tragic events in our country have underlined the importance of good parenting and the tragic impact on children when they do not have firm family foundations on which to take a stand. Please do make this a matter of prayer for our Mission of the Month partner for September, Care for the Family. You will find information on their wonderful work, and the resources that they offer on their web-site, using this link:

Church Mission Society

Please read the latest Link Letter from our CMS Partners Marcio and Noemi in Brazil.  


Tearfund have sent a "thank you" to Heswall Parish, for our donation.  "Your generosity is helping to answer the prayers of families, like Rachel's, in South Sudan"

Rachel is 28 years old and is a mother of four. Flash floods submerged her home in Panyagor, South Sudan, and sent her family fleeing to the highlands. With barely anything to live on, they began to try to forge a new life. But thanks to your support, Tearfund’s partners, African Inland Church, were able to bring Tearfund’s Church and Community Transformation Programme (CCT) to Rachel and other families. The change has been remarkable.