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Baptisms (Christenings)

We know that Jesus saw a special place for children. As a Parish we seek to welcome children and their families. 

A Christening (or Service of Baptism)

Baptism marks the beginning of a journey with God which continues for the rest of our lives, the first step of faith in response to God’s love. For all involved, but especially parents and godparents, it is a special time to reconsider and renew your own faith in Jesus and your part in his church.

To help with this, every term, we we offer a Baptism Preparation course consisting of 4 sessions run both online and in person. We offer these to families who would see your child’s baptism as a doorway to worshipping with us regularly in Heswall. For this reason baptisms take place in our Sunday worship.


A Service of Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child

Some people, quite appropriately, do not wish to make the commitments to Christian faith or being part of the church that are involved in baptism. So we also offer a joyful service of thanksgiving for parents who simply want to come to church and celebrate the birth (or adoption) of your child. We offer this service to anyone with connections to Heswall, no matter where you live. We are happy to arrange services on Sundays or at other times to suit your family.

Please contact the Parish Office to enquire further.